This latest version of our I-Y33765 phylogenetic tree includes the recently completed 111STR upgrade analysis for Dahlberg IN81271.
From his previous 37STR result it had seemed likely that Dahlberg and Hallberg YF80422 may have shared a common direct-line male ancestor within the last 200-300y. However, based on his new upgrade result it is now clear that this was an incorrect assumption. It now seems more probable, based on STR comparisons between all four Swedish men for whom we have confirmed Y33765 derived (+) status, that his lineage, and those of Hallberg YF80422 and Jacobsson IN70815, diverge at the level of BY198548. This relationship is shown on our revised chart but, as yet, Dahlberg's status for the BY198548 SNP has not been confirmed by PCR.
Click on chart to enlarge