If you are male and if your family name is a variant either of Clement, or of Eklund, or perhaps Dahlberg or Hallberg, then it is possible you may test positive for the I-Y33765 Y-DNA marker. You can check if this may be likely very easily if you already have your result from an Ancestry.com autosomal DNA test. This is because the
AncestryDNA test chip contains a selection of about 1700 Y-DNA SNPs and a few of these will undoubtedly have tested positive in your analysis. Based on these positive Y-DNA SNPs a man can determine his approximate Y-DNA
haplogroup. The simplest method to do this is to use the Y-DNA Clade Finder tool which is available at YSeq.com.
The YSeq Clade Finder is free to use and its use doesn't require you to login or register with YSeq. You can find the Clade Finder tool using this link, https://cladefinder.yseq.net/ . To make it worth considering ordering a I-Y33765 analysis a man with one of the family names mentioned above should also believe he has documented male ancestry from North Somerset, England or Tjust, Sweden and that he has a predicted I2a Y-DNA haplogroup. As I discussed in my article published 8 May 2021, it seems likely that only about one in five men with the Clement surname will have an I2a Y-DNA haplogroup. At present we have no information on haplogroup frequency among the Swedish family names mentioned but it seems plausible that a combination of, for example, the Eklund name with a genealogy from Tjust is predictive for an I2a Y-DNA haplogroup.
Whichever family name you hold it is certainly worth using the Clade Finder tool and your AncestryDNA raw data to confirm your predicted haplogroup before placing your order with YSeq. To use the Clade Finder you will first need to login to your Ancestry account and download your raw data text file. To do this:
1) Sign into your Ancestry online account.
2) Click on the top right hand menu bar to access Your Account
3) Click on DNA in the left hand Settings list
4) Scroll down to the Actions box at the bottom of the page
5) Click on the Download DNA link
6) Enter your Sign in password and tick the consent box and Confirm
7) Check your email account for an email from Ancestry with the download instructions
8) Click the Confirm Data Download box in the email. This will open in your Ancestry account showing a button, Download DNA data. Click this and open the Zip file with Windows Explorer. The text file named AncestryDNA is your raw data file. Save a copy of this to your desktop.
9) Open the Clade Finder link given above in your browser.
10) Click on the Browse button which is near the bottom of the page and select the AncestryDNA text file from your desktop and click Open.
11) After a few seconds the lower text box will fill with a display giving the Most specific position on the YFull YTree is ?-????. If in your case the prediction is I-L460 then you are likely to be I-Y33765 (+) and it would be very worthwhile considering confirmation by using a single SNP test at YSeq. Please contact me at braceydna@gmail.com for help in arranging this.
Example display of Y-DNA haplogroup prediction using an AncestryDNA rawdata file for a man who is derived (+) for I-Y33765. His most specific haplogroup prediction made by the Clade Finder tool will be I-L460. If you obtain this result it is certainly worth considering ordering a test for Y33765 at YSeq.
Very good John!