This is our latest draft phylogenetic tree for I-Y33765.
The chart includes information for SNPs following the completion of a Big Y-700 analysis for Clement IN82043 and confirmation for Clement YS32045 of his derived status for Y33765 following a YSeq assay for that SNP.
On the Swedish, FT250135, arm of I-Y33765 Mr Hallberg has recently ordered a FTDNA Big Y-700 analysis. This is the third Big Y-700 test on this branch and will be helpful in improving age estimates for the divergence between our four Swedish lineages which are, at present, largely based on STR results. Also, on the English, Y33767 arm of I-Y33765 we intend shortly to test Clements YS32054 for the Y33767 SNP at YSeq. At present we speculate that his lineage (as implied by the chart) has also diverged at Y33767.
The dates included are based either on the YFull age estimation methodology or on FTDNA TiP estimates or on known dates from documented genealogy. The estimated dates are only a very approximate guide to the age of branches and are most likely to have significant errors. The dates of branches will probably be revised in subsequent drafts.
Click on chart to enlarge
We have accomplished a lot since the beginning of March this year.